Texts for Communion Invitations
Invite your loved ones to this beautiful event!
The first communion is a significant event in a child’s life, as they receive the body of Christ for the first time. By participating in communion, your little one affirms their faith in the Catholic religion, particularly in Jesus Christ. Confirmation, on the other hand, is distinct from the sacrament of the Eucharist represented by the first communion. Also called “solemn communion,” it involves renewing the baptismal promises made by the godparents. This is more of a celebration, marking an important step in the spiritual journey of the baptized.
Whether it’s a first communion or a confirmation, your child is about to experience an important ceremony that should be made unforgettable! Be sure to invite all your loved ones to this event. Are you looking for inspiration to write your communion invitation text? Discover our various models of texts for a communion invitation, suitable for all types of communions!
Classic Communion Invitation Texts
What wonderful news!
“The Durand family is very happy to invite you to the communion of their little Charlotte. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, March 2nd, at the Church of the Trinity, Paris 9th, at the time of the mass. We are excited to celebrate this important sacrament in your company. See you soon!”
A big day is approaching!
“After years of religious instruction, our little Théo is ready to express his faith. You are therefore invited to celebrate his first communion on Sunday, May 9, 2021, at the Church of Saint Joan of Arc. We will then continue this wonderful moment of sharing at our home with a lunch. With warm regards, Paul and Claire Duval.”
Our child confirms their faith.
“The time has come for our dear Lucie to affirm her faith and devotion to Jesus Christ. After many catechism lessons, our lovely princess is ready to receive the host during her first communion. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, September 5, 2021, at 10:45 AM at the Church of Saint Virtue. We can’t wait to share this beautiful solemn moment with you.”
Texts for Catholic First Communion Invitations
To my first act of faith!
“Dear family and friends, Sunday, October 24, 2021, will be a very important day for me, as it will mark my first act of faith. You guessed it: I am talking about my first communion! I have only one wish: to receive the Eucharist in your company, which will symbolically unite me with the body and blood of Christ. See you at Saint Jerome Catholic Church in Toulouse, at the time of the mass!”
The fruits of a long theological education.
“It is with great joy and pride that we invite you to the first communion of our dear Alice. After a long theological education, our little girl is ready to receive communion for the first time. To properly celebrate this holy sacrament, we will share a lovely meal at home in an intimate setting. We are counting on your presence!”
Following the baptism
“You were many to witness his baptism. Now you will be able to witness his faith at his first communion. We are, of course, talking about our dear Auguste, who is about to become a communicant. We are proud of our son’s spiritual journey and hope to share this great moment with you.”
Ready to send your religious invitations ?
Messages for Profession of Faith Invitations
Let’s all celebrate my faith!
“The Christian journey of your favorite Antoine is far from over! After a successful baptism and first communion, I invite you to attend my profession of faith. This will be an opportunity for me to celebrate my belief in Christianity and my entry into adolescence. Join me on Sunday, April 4, 2021, at Saint-Germain Church in the city center.”
I believe in God, the Almighty Father.
Invitation Texts for a commminion
I am ready to receive the Holy Spirit.
“After being baptized and receiving my first communion, the time has come for me to make my confirmation! I am now ready to receive the Holy Spirit, just like the Apostles on the day of Pentecost. I would be honored to experience this important rite of passage with your kind presence. That’s why I invite you to join me on Sunday, May 8, at 10:30 AM at Notre-Dame-de-Liesse Church.”
Let’s celebrate my communion in style!
“Here I am, ready to receive the Holy Spirit and strengthen my faith on the occasion of my confirmation. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, June 4, at Saint John the Baptist Church in Grenelle, at the usual time of the mass. We will then celebrate my confirmation at home with a friendly lunch. I can’t wait to see you!”
I customize my communion invitation text.
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La première communion est une sorte de naissance consciente à la vie religieuse. La prochaine naissance est sans doute la vie et l’amour de couple, qui se signent religieusement avec le mariage. La première communion est un véritable bonheur pour les personnes très religieuses, qui ont une foi réelle. Alors cet amour envers le Dieu chrétien se fête ! C’est pourquoi il est important de convier les proches de cette jeune personne à la cérémonie religieuse et à sa réception après coup. En tout cas, il faut savoir que la vie des jeunes catholiques est rythmée par plusieurs étapes importantes. Le sacrément de l’Eucharistie, le baptême et la confirmation constitute especially the three essential sacraments of Christian initiation. Be sure to celebrate each milestone around the people you love!
Why create a personalized invitation card for your child’s communion?
Each communion is unique and reflects your child’s religious journey. Do not hesitate, for this very special occasion, to invite your loved ones with an original and personalized invitation! To announce this beautiful event, you can count on the sober and elegant models of our collection. For even more personalization, do not hesitate to add the most beautiful photos of the future communion.
How to make a communion announcement?
To make a memorable communion announcement, nothing could be simpler. First, start by browsing Fizzer’s collection of invitations. With more than 2000 models, it will not fail to inspire you! Once you find the card design you need, all you have to do is customize it. You can add on the model chosen between 1 and 6 photos of your little angel. After all, you only have your first communion once. Might as well immortalize it by creating an original invitation card.
You can then put a nice communion invitation text on the back of your announcement. Fizzer allows you to customize its layout: colors, fonts… Remember to test everything!
Once your creation has been validated and the postal addresses of your recipients have been added, our teams will hasten to print, put in an envelope, postage and post your pretty invitation cards.
How to write a beautiful communion announcement?
The most beautiful announcements are those that are written with the heart! Share the joy you feel, without forgetting of course to add some essential information, such as the date and place of the event.